SUNY UAlbany and SUNY FMCC Dual Admission Press Conference Event
W Beyer Creative captured an exciting event announcing SUNY FMCC's academic partnership with the University at Albany.

Industry: Higher Education
Location: SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Johnstown, NY
Creative Partners and Project Collaborators: SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community College
W Beyer Creative is SUNY FMCC’s ongoing external video partner. Our team was requested to provide coverage for a major press conference event announcing their dual admission partnership with the University at Albany. Our task was to film the duration of the formal press event, capture supporting footage of the excitement and action, as well as film the ribbon cutting of a new student space on campus – the UAlbany Transfer Service and Advisement Hub.
While a tight turnaround of the deliverables was not required, our team deemed it important to provide the content as soon as possible to accompany this major announcement. We edited the desired content within 24 hours so that it was ready to be released after review and approval.

Social Media, Archival
The videos were used for website archival, press release, blog, and social media sharing of the exciting news.